God Almighty says:
This applies especially to us human beings, as we are one of the only creations of God Almighty who possess free will and complete intellect. As mankind, we have a purpose and a role to fulfil, which is to be the deputies of God on the earth. God Almighty says:
A fundamental part of this role is to spread the Nur (light) of God on the earth - the light of guidance, truth, faith, wisdom, justice, good character, etc. In this role is our test: will we uphold our promise to God? This role was offered to the whole of creation but they refused, and we, as human beings, took it on. God Almighty reminds us of this in the Qur’an:
As a result, we were honoured as human beings and became a very special creation of God Almighty. The Qur’an says:
In this role of spreading the light of God is our very purpose. We must first strive to become people of light (Ahl ul-Nur) and then spread light to the rest of creation. This is done by benefitting creation and maintaining it as God intended.
This world has many forces in the world, some of which seek to destroy and corrupt. The people of light oppose these forces and defend what is true and upright. They strive with all their effort to uphold the laws of God. They are those whom God guides with very special guidance. God Almighty says:
The believers are the warriors of Nur on the earth. They are those from whom God Almighty has purchased their lives and in return, given them what is known as ‘His Land’. i.e. Paradise. God Almighty gives an extensive list of the qualities of the people of Nur, the believers:
In another place, God Almighty speaks to the believers, showing them their purpose and laying out exactly what they must do. He Almighty says:
May God forever keep us amongst the people of Nur.
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